
Välkommen till Vattumannen esoterisk butik & mötesplats sedan 1972 - Fleminggatan 35, Stockholm
Frakt 49 kr inom Sverige. Fraktfritt vid ordersumma över 650 kr

Andlig utveckling


How to stay sane in a crazy world - a modern book of hours to soothe the so

2 st i lager
179 kr

I believe - when what you believe matters!

2 st i lager
169 kr

I Can See Clearly Now

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
229 kr

Id change my life if i had more time - a practical guide to living your dre

Ej i lager
269 kr

If you meet buddha-kill him

I lager
99 kr

In The Presence Of Mystery (3 Cd)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
299 kr

Incredible you! - 10 ways to let your greatness shine through

Ej i lager
179 kr

Infinite Possibilities - 10th Anniversary Edition

I lager
169 kr

Infinite Receiving

I lager
159 kr

Interview with an Angel

I lager
109 kr

Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Ej i lager
189 kr

Intimate Conversations with the Divine

I lager
179 kr

It's Not Your Money

Ej i lager
179 kr

Kids Yoga Adventure Deck

I lager
259 kr

Kring min missions födelse

6 st i lager
169 kr

Land Sky Oracle: A Journey Through Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga

I lager
299 kr

Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
489 kr

Life-Changing Affirmations: A 30-Day Plan for Spiritual Transformation

6 st i lager
159 kr

Light is the new black - a guide to answering your souls callings and worki

I lager
169 kr

Little bit of chakras - an introduction to energy healing

I lager
139 kr

Little Reminders: The Law Of Attraction--36 Oracle Cards To Guide You To Wealth & Prosperity (36 Car

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

Livets ord

I lager
119 kr

Livets ord

I lager
179 kr

Livets väg

I lager
169 kr

Living a life of awareness - daily meditations on the toltec path

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
269 kr

Living in Tune

I lager
179 kr

Living the Liberated Life and Dealing with the Pain Body

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
449 kr

Loveability - knowing how to love and be loved

I lager
179 kr

Lunar Living

I lager
209 kr

Maria Magdalena : den begravda sanningen - en saknad pusselbit som återställer balansen mellan feminint och maskulint

Förväntas skickas inom 5-7 vardagar
269 kr

Maria Magdalena och Maximin

I lager
359 kr

Maximize your potential through the power of your subconscious mind to crea

Ej i lager
400 kr

Meditations for a new earth

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
329 kr

Men, Money and Chocolate

Ej i lager
159 kr

Meningen med livet är att vara snäll

Ej i lager
269 kr

Mera ljus

I lager
179 kr

Messages from Margaret

3 st i lager
139 kr

Miracles happen - the transformational healing power of past life memories

I lager
349 kr

Miracles Now

Ej i lager
169 kr

Miracles now - 108 life-changing tools for less stress, more flow and findi

5 st i lager
169 kr


Ej i lager
259 kr

Money Is My Friend

5 st i lager
89 kr

More Beautiful Than Before

9 st i lager
249 kr

Moses code - the most powerful manifestation tool in the history of the wor

Ej i lager
199 kr

Movement medicine - 9 gateways to living the dream

Ej i lager
179 kr

Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle Deck: (44 Full-Color Cards and 90-Page Guidebook)

I lager
299 kr

Nektarlika instruktioner

I lager
69 kr

New Earth: Awakening To Your Life's Purpose (Q)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
149 kr

No Endings, Only Beginnings

I lager
189 kr

On my way to a happy life

Ej i lager
159 kr

Other Side And Back: A Psychic's Guide To Our World & Beyond

Ej i lager
99 kr

Peace Is Every Step

I lager
129 kr

Peace Is the Way

3 st i lager
169 kr

Playing the Matrix

Ej i lager
159 kr

Positive vibes - inspiring thoughts for change and transformation

9 st i lager
219 kr

Power is within you

I lager
159 kr

Prophet (10" X 7-3/4"; Deluxe Slipcased Edition) (H)

I lager
409 kr

Prophet (Regular Edition) (H)

I lager
139 kr

Question Your Thinking, Change Your World

Ej i lager
119 kr

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man

I lager
229 kr

Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul

I lager
169 kr

Resa i kärlek. Del ett

Förväntas skickas inom 5-9 vardagar
219 kr

Resa i kärlek. Del två, Gestaltgivaren

Förväntas skickas inom 5-9 vardagar
219 kr

Return Of The Children Of Light: Incan & Mayan Prophecies For A New World

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
169 kr

Risk Forward

9 st i lager
259 kr

Sacred Space

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
169 kr

Sand Spirits Insight Cards (36 Cards & Instruction Booklet)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
249 kr


Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
249 kr

Secret Language of Signs

I lager
159 kr

Sedona, Psychic Energy Vortexes

I lager
159 kr

Selections from a Course in Miracles: Contains Accept This Gift, a Gift of Healing, and a Gift of Peace

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
299 kr

Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes

5 st i lager
529 kr

Shamanic Creativity

I lager
219 kr

Själsintelligensens sju nycklar : din guide till högre SQ

I lager
339 kr


I lager
229 kr

Spirit Means Business

I lager
159 kr

Spiritual Connections : How To Find Spirituality Throughout All The Relationships In Your Life

1 st i lager
279 kr

Spiritual Connections: How to Find Spirituality Throughout All the Relationships in Your Life

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
239 kr

Spiritual Solutions

Ej i lager
199 kr

Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment: Mmx--The Enlightenment Trilogy, Book Two (New Edition)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
379 kr

Still Points

I lager
199 kr

Stillness Speaks

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
259 kr

Stillness Speaks (Cd)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
359 kr


I lager
219 kr

Stress-free - peaceful affirmations to relieve anxiety and help you relax

Ej i lager
109 kr

Tantric Psychophysics

3 st i lager
239 kr

Tecken : universums hemliga språk

Ej i lager
249 kr 199 kr

Thank & grow rich - a 30-day experiment in shameless gratitude and unabashe

Ej i lager
269 kr

The Art of Bliss: Finding Your Center, Getting in the Flow, and Creating the Life You Desire

Ej i lager
189 kr

The Book of Understanding

I lager
219 kr

The Chinese Birthday Book: How to Use the Secrets of Ki-Ology to Find Love, Happiness, and Success

Ej i lager
339 kr

The Ego Is Not the Real You

I lager
269 kr

The End of Karma

1 st i lager
189 kr

The Game of Life and How to Play It

I lager
269 kr

The Golden World

Ej i lager
939 kr

The Greatest Secret in the World

I lager
119 kr

The Healing Power of Reiki: How the Restorative Power of Reiki Can Help You Live a Balanced Life

Ej i lager
169 kr

The Heart of the Matter

Ej i lager
159 kr

The Journey To The Sacred Garden : A Guide to Travelling in the Spiritual Realms

Ej i lager
400 kr

The Little Book Of Rootwork

I lager
219 kr